Healing Nectar of Immortality contains two commentaries on the profound practice of White Tara. The first is a commentary by Trijang Rinpoche, who was the junior tutor to the current Dalai Lama. The second was composed by Aku Sherab Gyatso, a very famous and highly respected lama from Amdo in eastern Tibet. These commentaries, particularly Trijang Rinpoche’s commentary, give not only inspiring guidance for Tara practice in general but also a detailed and lucid presentation of the profound systems of meditation in action tantra.
The latter part of the book contains the ritual texts associated with the commentaries. The self-generation sadhana, retreat preliminaries, and burnt offering texts were composed by Trijang Rinpoche, while the prayers to Tara were composed by the First Dalai Lama, Gendun Drup.
Everything needed to begin, engage, and complete the practice of White Tara is included in this book, which contains complete instructions for engaging in proper retreat, prolonging your life and that of others, increasing your riches and well-being, and ultimately attaining enlightenment.
The material in this book is restricted. This book may be read only by those who have received an empowerment into any of the four classes of tantra. In order to practice this material, you must have received the White Tara empowerment or the appropriate Arya Mother White Tara Wish-Fulfilling Wheel blessing permission.
232 pages
Translated by David Gonsalez
Healing Nectar of Immortality
Availability: In stock
Healing Nectar of Immortality contains two commentaries on the profound practice of White Tara. The first is a commentary by Trijang Rinpoche, who was the junior tutor to the current Dalai Lama. The second was composed by Aku Sherab Gyatso, a very famous and highly respected lama from Amdo in eastern Tibet. These commentaries, particularly Trijang Rinpoche’s commentary, give not only inspiring guidance for Tara practice in general but also a detailed and lucid presentation of the profound systems of meditation in action tantra.
The latter part of the book contains the ritual texts associated with the commentaries. The self-generation sadhana, retreat preliminaries, and burnt offering texts were composed by Trijang Rinpoche, while the prayers to Tara were composed by the First Dalai Lama, Gendun Drup.
Everything needed to begin, engage, and complete the practice of White Tara is included in this book, which contains complete instructions for engaging in proper retreat, prolonging your life and that of others, increasing your riches and well-being, and ultimately attaining enlightenment.
The material in this book is restricted. This book may be read only by those who have received an empowerment into any of the four classes of tantra. In order to practice this material, you must have received the White Tara empowerment or the appropriate Arya Mother White Tara Wish-Fulfilling Wheel blessing permission.
232 pages
Translated by David Gonsalez
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