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Essence of Great Bliss


5-Deity Heruka Self-Initiation Sadhana
80 pages | $8.00 (U.S.) | PDF file (Download) ½-letter size booklet format

The Self-Initiation of Heruka Five Deity, composed by Ngulchu Dharmabhadra. This self-initiation sadhana is intended only for those who have received the complete empowerment into the Five Deity Mandala of Heruka Chakrasamvara in the tradition of Mahasiddha Ghantapa and have completed the approximation retreat with subsequent fire puja and are thus qualified to perform self-initiation.

Self-initiation is a powerful way to accumulate merit, purify negative karma, receive the blessings of our Gurus and Heruka as well as purify and restore broken bodhisattva and tantric vows. This sadhana does not include the self-generation sadhana.

By ordering this item you affirm that you have received the empowerment for this practice.

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